2024 Minnesota State Fair Homebrew Competition Volunteer Info
Judges and Stewards
If you have registered, log in and then choose Edit Account from the My Account menu indicated by the icon on the top menu.
Other Volunteer Info
Qualified judging of all entries is the primary goal of this competition and the goal is to have at least one BJCP qualified judge for each flight. This year's judging sessions are planned as in-person judging at Summit Brewing using electronic scoresheets.
Please be sure to bring a fully charged laptop, tablet, or Ipad to use for scoring. You'll regret the decision to use your phone.
Please consider volunteering to judge and/or steward or to help sort and box entries for judges.
It's a big competition and we will all the help we can get. We hope to be able to provide judges and volunteers with some small gift of appreciation as our operating budget allows.